Interior Minister Vladimir Morozov Arrested Pending Investigation
Morozov remains in police custody and will stand trial before the Supreme Court in the following weeks.
Morozov remains in police custody and will stand trial before the Supreme Court in the following weeks.
The Chernarussian Foreign Affairs Minister, Lev Vorobev, has recalled his ambassador from Takistan, as well as suspending all diplomatic missions in the country.
Date: 25-10-2021 No: 2021-948532
Hossein Kiaei
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Takistan
Your Excellency,
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chernarus has decided, decreed on the twenty-fifth of October twenty-twenty one, to call back our Ambassador from your home country, and effective immediately suspend all diplomatic ties with your country.
We do so with a heavy heart, but in light of recent provocations against our national sovereignty, safety and security, we feel this is the only option that we have left on the table at this point in time.
We will maintain the suspension of our diplomatic missions in Takistan on an indefinite basis, until we see a clear effort by your leadership in maintaining national peace and tranquility. So far, that has not been the case.
The Government of the Republic of Chernarus reserves the right to undertake any further response in the clear pursuit of regional peace and prosperity. We will not, under any circumstances, rule out one possible response over the other, and we are not to be held liable for any response that we may undertake. Liability lies solely at the hands of you and your leadership.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Lev Vorobev,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Chernarus
“The Chernarus government will see no other option than launching a preemptive intervention to restore peace and security.”
A funeral procession was held by the cathedral in Novaya Petrovka for the 30 Border Guards that were killed in a terrorist ambush attack by Takistani militants on October 18th of this year.
Friends, family and brothers in arms gathered in the cathedral for prayers.
A military parade was staged in Novigrad celebrating 30 years of unwavering independence from the Soviet Union.
The latest technology was put on full display for the public, as the city oozed of national pride.
“Our territorial integrity, national sovereignty and safety of our compatriots is a red line”
The Ministry of Information has disclosed information about an attack against troops of the Interior Ministry’s Border Guard service by the border to Takistan.
The attack was carried out by a small group of unknown assailants. Identity remains unknown. 30 Border Guard troops have been confirmed KIA. The wounded has been transferred for urgent medical attention.
A collection of various photos of our troops in uniform, safeguarding the sovereignty of our homeland through the use of force.
FM Vorobev also stated that the Republic of Chernarus has done everything possible to relieve the Takistani people of its suffering.